how come in certain games increasing the frame rate messes things up but in other games having an unlocked frame rate does nothing?


For instance, half life 2 can be played at 300fps and the whole game runs completely fine.

However other games might have a 30 or 60fps cap and anything higher than that messes things up like physics, animations ECT.

What’s the benefit of a game having things tied to the frame rate as opposed to unlocked and why do some games handle this better than others?

In: 4

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

some older engines tied more than just rendering to the frame rate.

for instance without a patch Unrela engine ! games like unreal and unreal tournament are unplayable without limting FPS in modern systems because EVERYthing runs based off framerate.

stuff can get really messy if the engine associates physics with it.

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