How come just a 2 degrees increase of body temperature can make you feel so fatigue and like you’re dying?


It doesn’t seem like a huge difference to me but even a 1 degree increase of body temp can make you so tired and have fever. Why is that?

In: 2376

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

High temperatures make it harder for some organisms to survive, they will literally get fried and denaturate. That’s one of the reasons why there’s no mold and mushroom growing throughout our body, they’d eat that shit up if se were room temp. Have you seen meat that was left out too long? Disgusting 🤢. So our body is hotter than room temp to kill some organisms, but colder than our cells denaturalising point (idk something like 42 to 45 degrees C if I remember correctly) So what you’re going through when you have above 42* fever is actually your body killing itself, so try to go to the hospital any time you’re above 40. There’s actually quite a worrying danger that comes with global warming and higher temperatures, as that selects for more temperature resistant molds and mycelium stuffs. So if they get used to surviving 45*C heat when half the world has become a desert, they will actually be able to survive inside our bodies and decompose us while we’re still alive. There’s really nasty ones that already exist in some deserts, and if you breathe in the wrong ground dust when using a shovel or something, you’ll fucking die from it and there’s almost nothing the body can do. This is all anecdotal evidence though and I’m not familiar with the actual science of it all, so feel free to correct me or add onto it!

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