How come just a 2 degrees increase of body temperature can make you feel so fatigue and like you’re dying?


It doesn’t seem like a huge difference to me but even a 1 degree increase of body temp can make you so tired and have fever. Why is that?

In: 2376

32 Answers

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Everyone is answering your question very well in terms of the immune system. Another reason people aren’t adding is that your body is made of cells that have a bunch of proteins. These proteins are basically the machinery of your body. They try to keep your body the same temperature , the same salt levels, the same sugar levels etc. Just like a car, they function best when they’re not too hot or too cold. Since proteins are way smaller than a car, a tiny change in temperature is huge. So your proteins start to not work very well during a fever and they don’t do their job very well. Since they’re not working as well, your body will slowly not have normal levels of nutrients which can make you feel tired, sluggish, and painful. If the fever is high enough, these proteins will break or denature. Once they’ve denatured they’re basically broken and cannot be returned to normal. This is why fevers are dangerous. If your body has broken proteins everywhere, then your body will not be able to work properly. If this goes on long enough you can die because your body is losing the function of these proteins faster than your body can reproduce and replace them.

Edit: the change in temperature also affects microorganisms the same way. Your body is trying to denature the proteins of the invaders so they die.

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