How come just a 2 degrees increase of body temperature can make you feel so fatigue and like you’re dying?


It doesn’t seem like a huge difference to me but even a 1 degree increase of body temp can make you so tired and have fever. Why is that?

In: 2376

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

its not the increased temperature giving you a fever, its the fever giving you increased temperature.

high temperature is the result of being sick, not the cause.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a fascinating point you’ve brought up!
The immune system of the body,when it senses an infection, dials up the temperature to use the heat to denature the toxins. The ‘sense’ of the immune system works by having specific molecules that react with a specific molecule that exists uniquely with a pathogen.
Most of the time, These molecules are very large chains in the world of molecules and such large chains can easily break up in presence of heat. Think of an egg getting hardboiled.
So,once the heat of fever has destroyed those molecules, the immune system no longer senses the molecules and stops the fever.
Unfortunately, most of the body’s own systems are made up of similar chains that are even larger than those present in the infection.In the fever, these chains also break and hence the body processes are also disturbed. Thus, one feels lousy after a fever.