How come medical equipments cost so much for an hospital?


I realize that there are huge costs for those companies that manufacture medical equipment in the first place, especially in R&D activities. However, what determines a different price between, for example, an MRI machine (that can cost $3 million) and a Mammography machine (around $50k)?

These prices come from a quick Google search and may, therefore, have to be contextualized.

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Doing something is cheap. Doing something reliably is not. Doing something safely is not cheap either. Doing something reliably AND safely is insanely expensive.

Any machine gets more expensive when you need it to work under high pressure and even more when they need to be idiot proof. MRI machines needs tons of safety to ensure that if someone brought some metal they don’t die. The machine need to always work, cause you can’t easily replace them. Other machines that can afford to be less safe (because there is less risk to begin with) will be significantly cheaper.

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