how come Native North Americans didn’t have vast empires of wealth and cities like Montezuma had down in Mexico?


how come Native North Americans didn’t have vast empires of wealth and cities like Montezuma had down in Mexico?

In: 2227

24 Answers

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They did for example there’s the Mound builders of the Mississippian culture.

They worked in Earthworks and the Mississippian mounds are still there. To pull that off took a large population and a centralized bureaucracy. These were all done by hand, without draft animals or the wheel, so it means a large labor force. Their trade networks ran from central America to northern Canada. This is how corn and squash made it from Mexico and Central America to modern day Canada.

it’s just something you’re not taught in school because they built in soil and wood they also possessed no written record so the bias of the book falls into play.

Why was there such a disparity in technology? that’s where resources, geology and botany come in. In Ontario for example most minerals are locked in granite which without metal tools is very difficult to remove. The canadian shield is a mineral treasure trove but you need quality iron at bare minimum to extract it. There’s a lot of granite in North America.

The parries? that would be a lack of wood and stone as well as the deep grass roots. We had to invent a new type of plow to deal with these roots using European technology to work the land. The traditional plow used for shallow european grasses didn’t even scratch the surface in the west.

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