How come people get addicted to slot machines and continue to play hoping to win, if it’s obviously a game designed to make you lose (it gives you back less money than what you put in)?


How come people get addicted to slot machines and continue to play hoping to win, if it’s obviously a game designed to make you lose (it gives you back less money than what you put in)?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

[Gambling is one of the most insidious addictions]( It plays on our reward system, but worse than that, it is a randomized reward system.

Humans and dogs are different, but the [most effective dog training is done with randomized reward.](

If you know the pattern you know what to expect, and for those unfortunate enough to win big at the start, they keep chasing the high.

Worse than a drug addiction, gambling addictions are f[ar too late to help once negative repercussions start to shows](

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