– How come people severely mal/undernourished can die when eating too much too fast ?



I heard stories about prisoners rescued from camps or people suffering from starvation died for having received a “standard” meal… apparently it was too much to handle for their organism.

How come ?

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Imagine if you have a car that hasn’t been used for a long time and is in really bad shape. If you suddenly try to make it go super fast, it could break down because it’s not ready to work so hard all of a sudden. It’s similar for people who have been very hungry for a long time.

Their bodies have been surviving with very little food, so their systems have slowed down a lot. If they suddenly get a lot of food, their bodies can struggle to handle it all at once. This is called “refeeding syndrome”. The sudden increase in food changes the way the body uses its nutrients, and it can cause things like heart failure or other serious problems.