How come sexual assault is one of hardest crime to prosecute vs every other crime?


How come sexual assault is one of hardest crime to prosecute vs every other crime?

In: 2253

34 Answers

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Victim: they raped me

Accused: it was consentual

Prove that. Semen is expected in consentual sex, most sexual assaults are people that know each other so have a ‘relationship’ already.

E.g. My rapist was a very close friend. We had previously had a sexual relationship, we had gone out drinking and I had invited him back to mine. He had a girlfriend so I didn’t want to fuck. He did it anyway.

He was so drunk he didn’t even remember really.

How do I prove I said no? I can’t. Even if I took it to court they would argue all of the above and if he said he thought it was consentual then what?

Turned out his then gf had a rape kink so at that time his behaviour was normalised to him.

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