How come sexual assault is one of hardest crime to prosecute vs every other crime?


How come sexual assault is one of hardest crime to prosecute vs every other crime?

In: 2253

34 Answers

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Your assumption that sexual assault are harder to prosecute is hard to back with certainty. That’s what a lot of people think, but depending on how you look at the numbers you can get different answers.

If we take this [website]( for example, we could say that out of 1000 sexual assault only 25 goes to jail, but only 20 out of 1000 robberies goes to jail and 33 out of assault and battery goes to jail. The rate are similar.

But on the same site they present that a lot less people are reporting sexual assault to the police than other crimes. Meaning that 5.2% of reported assault goes to jail, while 3.2% of robberies and 8% of sexual assault.

I’m sure we can find other data that would contradict these, meaning that making a conclusion is not an easy thing to do and that people will disagree no matter what. From what I can see, most crimes are very hard to prosecute.

That said, you can make the conversation even more complex. We can talk about severity of the crime, what percentage of sexual assault are a clap on the ass vs a rape, and how many robberies are a kid stealing a candy bar vs an armed robbery. What are the % of false report, is there more of those in sexual assault or robberies? It’s a very complicated subject.

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