How come sexual assault is one of hardest crime to prosecute vs every other crime?


How come sexual assault is one of hardest crime to prosecute vs every other crime?

In: 2253

34 Answers

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One of the biggest factors in a case like that is whether or not the victim consented, and that can be incredibly hard to prove without any physical evidence of resistance.

Sexual Assaults don’t generally happen in a public area with lots of witnesses who can say for sure the victim wasn’t interested in the perpetrator. Usually they happen behind closed doors, or in an out of the way place where no one would catch them in the act. But the same can also be said about consensual sex acts. While many victims can, and do, fight back leaving physical marks on their attacker, these heal over time and unless the suspect is caught before that happens, you’ll never know they were fought against.

This means a sexual assault case ends up being one persons word against another. As a rule, courts tend to avoid throwing a potentially innocent person into jail even if that means a criminal goes free, so the case gets dismissed.

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