how come vegetables grown in faeces risk contraction of parasites


If the vegetables are properly cleaned how can they risk parasitical infection? Do the plants absorb the eggs along with the nutrients in the soil?

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2 Answers

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There’s a few layers to this, but the MOST basic is that parasites like very simple routes to infect people. One of the simplest and easiest ways they do this is to get eaten, make more parasites inside a host, then get pooped out and try to get eaten again. The more things you put in to make it complicated, the harder it is for the parasites to infect animals. For example, if you use manure as fertilizer from a different animal than the one that’s eating the plants, the parasites might not be very good at infecting other species.

“Properly cleaning” something to rid it of parasites is a bit tricky. Rinsing it does decent but it’s hard to get perfect. If you cook something it can kill it very effectively, but not every food is cooked to that temperature. Most parasites just live on the surface of vegetables, but it doesn’t take many to cause an infection.

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