How come when a shark devours a rotting whale carcass it doesn’t get sick like a human would?


How come when a shark devours a rotting whale carcass it doesn’t get sick like a human would?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some do.

But also sharks stomachs have different digestive juices than ours and it helps kill the bad bacteria.

Anonymous 0 Comments

How do you know Brucey Bruce doesn’t get food poisoning?

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Same way coyotes and foxes can eat carrion. Their stomachs are different. Humans have extremely sensitive stomachs compared to other animals because when we started cooking our food, that extra energy that used to go towards digestion and fighting bacteria in our guts went towards developing our brains

Anonymous 0 Comments

Different species have different biology. Specifically different gut bacteria and stomach acids. The bacteria in the rotten whale flesh is counteracted by what’s in the sharks gut.

If I eat a dog turd I could die but my puppy does it everyday.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t Icelandic humans devour rotting shark carcass if it has aged long enough?