How come when certain foods are left out to dry on surfaces, they effectively glue to said surface?


For example, if I cut open an avocado, and don’t clean the knife immediately, the avocado that got on the knife will dry and become nearly impossible to get off. Same goes for foods like egg yolk, melted cheese, pasta noodles, etc.

In: 8

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they go from liquid to solid. That’s what almost all glues do. Both starch/sugars and protein have the potential to go from a liquid/dissolved state to a solid state as moisture evaporates. When a substance is liquid, it’ll “grab” many kinds of surfaces by wetting them as well as getting into scratches and crevices. If it is solidified in this state, that grabbing force can be quite strong.

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For example, if I cut open an avocado, and don’t clean the knife immediately, the avocado that got on the knife will dry and become nearly impossible to get off. Same goes for foods like egg yolk, melted cheese, pasta noodles, etc.

In: 8

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they go from liquid to solid. That’s what almost all glues do. Both starch/sugars and protein have the potential to go from a liquid/dissolved state to a solid state as moisture evaporates. When a substance is liquid, it’ll “grab” many kinds of surfaces by wetting them as well as getting into scratches and crevices. If it is solidified in this state, that grabbing force can be quite strong.

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