How come when we go a couple hours without eating in the day, we feel hungry, but we can sleep the whole night without waking up from hunger?


How come when we go a couple hours without eating in the day, we feel hungry, but we can sleep the whole night without waking up from hunger?

In: 5

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ll try to keep it as ELI5 as possible.

There are chemicals and mechanisms in your body that tell you when you are hungry and when you are full.

The body releases chemicals which signal your brain that you should eat. This feeling is known as hunger. There are also chemicals released by your body that let you know that you are full.

These chemicals can be released based on our internal clock, how our body feels time is moving by, and other senses within our body that let other parts of the body know their situation.

The reason we do not get this feeling when we are asleep is because our body and mind are working on other processes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Speak fir yourself, if I don’t eat within a certain time before I go to bed, I wake up in the middle of the night hungry.

But yeah, I can’t be sure about this, but I’d wager it has something to do with the sleep itself, as in, your hunger is suppressed by the biological process we call sleep. Notice that you when you wake up, you are hungry. The feeling is just suppressed during sleep.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t metabolize as much food while we are sleeping, because we are moving less. Just as you might be very hungry after a strenuous workout, the opposite is the case while we are sleeping.

Also, because the hunger would have to be strong enough to wake you up. We generally do wake up with more hunger than we went to bed with.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not true hunger. It’s actually bacteria inside your gut trying to convince you that you need carbohydrates. Once you starve them out, you get rid of those cravings