How come your balls get droopier as you get older?


How come your balls get droopier as you get older?

In: Physics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some body parts never stop growing, although they are growing very very slowly. Ear lobes, noses, scrotums and labia are all like that. The difference between a 19 year old scrotum and a 40 year old scrotum is hardly noticeable, but add another 20 years (PLUS the effects of gravity) and it starts to show up.

Humans were not “designed” to last more than about 40 years, but we have overcome that expiration date. Having done so, the side effects of things like this become more evident.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Skin loses its elasticity over time as a person gets older, this of course goes for the scrotum too, and the skin starts to sag. Add a bit of gravity to this and, tada, droopy balls.

Anonymous 0 Comments
