How could someone understand incoming Morse code ?

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Even if the receiver knows every sequence code for letters and symbols by head, how does he know where one letter starts and ends and how does he prevent overlap of 2 letter codes getting mixed up ?

In: Technology

25 Answers

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Just with practice like anything else. When I started to learn Japanese, to me the native speakers spoke so fast I couldn’t make out individual words. Now (a few years later) it’s almost normal to me.

Back to morse code, a family member was a station master (at a train station) before WW2. He started in the radio room when morse code was still the primary method of communications between stations.

He told me that he would sometimes doze off while on duty on the communications desk in the middle of the night, with morse code chattering in the background.

But as soon as he heard “dit-dah-dit-dah” / his station code when someone tried to reach his station, his hands would instantly be on the telegraph key — replying back in morse code — before he was even fully awake.

By the way he spoke 5 languages fluently, and I would say morse code was his sixth language.

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