How deep does my property go?


I have a house on 2 acres. I know the length and width of my property, but what about depth? If I dig 1ft down am I still on my property? 5ft? 1000ft? A 2 acre rectangle all the way to the Earths core? How deep would I have to go to no longer be on my own land?

In: 71

9 Answers

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If you go near a telephone/electric pole, you may see a sign that says “call 811 before you dig.” You’re likely to need a permit for any sort of extensive landscaping that requires digging. Why? There’s probably infrastructure under your home: sewage, water, electricity, cable/internet, etc. These can all be owned/operated by your government or a private entity. And *you* don’t know exactly where said infrastructure is, hence needing a permit and some surveyors to check out your property before spades hit dirt. If you happen to hit anything, you’re at risk of damaging that infrastructure or harming yourself. There’s also structural codes for subterranean structures, even just a random hole you’re digging (the authorities would like some retaining walls, thank you). But aside from that, if you remain within the bounds of your lot, you can make your own Mines of Moria – if it’s up to code.

In short: Call 811 before you dig

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