How did American soldiers use napalm without harming themselves?

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I know napalm usage was quite common in wartime between WW2 and Vietnam, and I’m also very aware of just how damaging the substance was to the people affected. Internal damage, skin essentially melting, burning underwater (cue Phil Swift), etc. My question is, how were soldiers able to, for lack of a better word, safely use napalm without harming themselves as well as their targets?

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30 Answers

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Army Technical Manual TM 3-375, section VIII details several safety precautions with regard to handling napalm and napalm dispensing equipment. For example:

“Do not permit flames, sparks, or ignition from the flame thrower or other source to come in contact with the hose.”

“Care should be taken that gasoline is not spilled.”

“Gasoline fumes are somewhat toxic and should not be inhaled.”

Not the sexiest answer, I know, but read it, study it, and god willing before you know it we’ll be kicking up our heels and eating grechka in Stolovaya 57.

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