How did ancient humans see tall growing grass (wheat), think to harvest it, mill it, mix it with water then put the mixture into fire to make ‘bread’?


I am trying to comprehend how something that required methodical steps and ‘good luck’ came to be a staple of civilisations for thousands of years. Thank you. (Sorry if this question isn’t correct for ELI5, I searched and couldn’t find it asked. Hope it’s in-bounds.)

In: 1505

20 Answers

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People ate what animals ate. They would see animals preferring the seeds/fruit of a plant over its leaves. Seeds of grasses grow plentifully. At some point, someone probably roasted or boiled these grass grains to try to make them taste better, and it actually turned out decent. People who are starving will try to eat anything. It isn’t surprising to see a starving person try to eat what they see animals eating. They discovered the wild grasses with tasty seeds grew almost anywhere, and over hundreds of years selectively planted the ones with the larger or tastier seeds.

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