How did ancient humans see tall growing grass (wheat), think to harvest it, mill it, mix it with water then put the mixture into fire to make ‘bread’?


I am trying to comprehend how something that required methodical steps and ‘good luck’ came to be a staple of civilisations for thousands of years. Thank you. (Sorry if this question isn’t correct for ELI5, I searched and couldn’t find it asked. Hope it’s in-bounds.)

In: 1505

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Good question (and answers that made me think).

I always thought that the greatest input into inventions and discoveries are accidents. Accidently crushed something into a powder, accidently got it wet, accidently left it out in the heat/cold for too long, etc. Each time, observations were made, a hypothesis formed and tests performed until something new came to be

Why did that just happen, logic and deductive reasoning. How humans have evolved? Well, except over the last few years. 🙂

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