How did ancient humans see tall growing grass (wheat), think to harvest it, mill it, mix it with water then put the mixture into fire to make ‘bread’?


I am trying to comprehend how something that required methodical steps and ‘good luck’ came to be a staple of civilisations for thousands of years. Thank you. (Sorry if this question isn’t correct for ELI5, I searched and couldn’t find it asked. Hope it’s in-bounds.)

In: 1505

20 Answers

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Think of things like that the same as evolution. Small advancements through observation that build, eventually, to a new complete idea that seems incomprehensible. Our knowledge of such things as what can we eat are older than our species. Humans have always eaten eggs. Because the things we evolved from ate them, and so on down the line. Humans figured out slowly that you could mill it down to a powder that could be mixed with waters or milk to make a more substantial meal by letting it get hard by the fire. It could also be carried easily and once baked hard it lasted a long time. The practice is good for our survival so we kept the idea and have constantly elaborated on the simple ingredients and cooking method. Now we have the art of baking and all the dishes associated.

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