How did Beethoven know what he was playing if he was deaf?

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How did Beethoven know what he was playing if he was deaf?

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8 Answers

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You don’t actually need to hear music to make music. In its simplest form, any song you’ve ever heard can be broken down into consisting of any of the following of notes: A, A#/Bb, B, C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, G#/Ab, and then it goes back to A. From A to A we call it an octave. The # stands for sharp, while the b stands for flat. A# is Bb we have to know both names, but they mean the same note. Song writing takes these notes and groups them into chords, then progresses through cords in ways that make “sense” using scales. Again, I’m oversimplifying here, but basically if you know what chords sound good within a scale (I, IV, V is very common in western music), you can build off of that, use the circle of fifths, and theoretically create music. 

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