How did Colonizers become more “advanced” than the countries they colonized?


In the colonization of NA, how was it that the Europeans already had muskets while the Native Americans were still using traditional weapons? I doubt it’s because theres a lack of resources?

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13 Answers

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It’s because there is lack of desire to create certain technology or methods to formalize the learning of it in those societies/countries. Many societies didn’t prioritize developing technology, they prioritized other things – like religion and conformity to what is known. They didn’t prioritize exploration, they made those who even crossed outside the society as outcastes.

Primarily the Europeans changed this outlook after/during the Renaissance. Not that science and discoveries didn’t exist in other places, but they became the main thing, and more importantly were formalized. Formalizing them allowed entire generations to learn and expand them, so as a society the Europeans became more advanced.

When they came in contact with other societies in NA or SA they discovered a lot of resources that were rare in Europe are abundantly found outside and they also found so much land (whole continent). So, not being held to any particular moral perspective, they took them with ease, and occupied these regions.

Certain other places in Asia were not many years behind in technology and so even if they got colonized, they created countries, and formal methods of education and technology soon. And today it’s debatable if China for instance may even overtake all the western countries in the next half century.

**- So it comes down to a few things:**

– Being creative and curious to see more and do more (differently) and innovatively.
– Cooperation with those who are more like you as compared to all the people in the world, instead of having tribal conflict. The west does this well — when it comes to Germany, US and Britain unite. When it comes to China all three unite. And Britain and US themselves have had wars. So the alliances are more in the situation and less based on emotional decisions of what happened in the past.
– Formal methods of education, writing, mathematical and scientific expression — this is the main thing that allows knowledge to be vastly spread across generations.
– Using knowledge to actively create technology. The idea of using steam for motion existed since a long time, but that doesn’t mean everyone made the effort to make a steam engine when people merely had the convenience of using horses.
– Putting merit on the mantle. When people from any background can be appreciated for the good work they do, there is far less resentment in a society and it becomes stronger from within. Many places in Asia (India primarily), have complicated social hierarchies that make them a ground for incompetent leaders taking positions and being respected. That’s why the paradox of Indians doing well in the US, but India itself is far behind when it comes to basic things.

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