When you access the internet, you’re connecting to another computer for the purpose of acquiring information. In order to do that easily, you first need to connect to one computer, which will then facilitate information exchange between your device and the server you’re trying to get information from.
That first computer, or server, that facilitates that information exchange is your ISP, or internet service provider.
For example. When you browse Reddit, your device will first connect to your ISP, and then asks the isp to connect you to Reddit. Reddit and you are connected, but data flows through your ISP.
Dial-up, DSL, cable, fiber, wireless, ect… are just means to connect your device to the ISP.
Dial-up work by having a device (modem) literally calling the ISPs through the phone. All data transfers were computers literally talking to each other on the phone.
AOL, and other dial-up ISPs made money by providing a service to facilitate data exchange, but requires a phone line for yours and their computers to speak.
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