How did diarrhea kill so many people before and now it’s not that big of a deal?


Title really, is it just that our diet is better and decent food is much more abundant or is it just general hygiene?

In: 36

20 Answers

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starting this time of the year into sept even october, we hear about salmonella outbreaks associated with lettuce

turns out the major lettuce fields in the Salinas/watsonville areas are a few miles away from major cattle feed lots, normally not a problem but with the heat of the summer and seasonal winds, dust…er powdered cow poop travels farther and settles onto the fields of greens. (difficult to wash off)

the juxtabposition of food and poop has always been an issue for civilization. cavemen would abandon a very nice cave as they filled it with crap, literally as it just got too unhealthy. as we converted to farming, we used our poop to fertilize the fields, (you know that thing about 7 year fallow? well the farmers would collect the ‘night soils’ and dump it on that fallow grounds….until towns turned into cities and the fields were just too far to walk with a bucket of poop. so London turned into a filthy fetid cesspool literally thigh deep and eventually it leached down into the water table.

now we require kitchen workers to glove up because we can’t trust people to wash their fn hands after wiping their ass.

its all about hygiene.

if there’s a crisis that sends thousand of people running for their lives, refugees, first thing that happens without intervention is people poop in the woods, far too close to streams and rivers and disentery, typhoid, other ills starts killing, first elderly and infants then healthy folks. dead bodies laying around make things 10x worse.

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