How did early hominids get sleep when its so hard for people in modern times to sleep.


By ancestors I mean like “cavemen” in a sense. If they had to sleep in caves surrounded by a million different noises, predators, insects, and sleeping on primitive beds – I just cant see them getting any good night rests.

In today’s world sometimes we cant sleep even with great pillows, mattresses, soothing sounds, sleep aid medicine, etc. For some even the tiniest noise or light wakes them up. Thanks for and whatever the reason early hominids must have been pretty hardcore.

In: 723

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Easy: they didn’t have things like “*crippling debt*”, “*feelings of not fitting in in a modern world*”, or “*a sense of powerless against the corporate overlords destroying their planet*” keeping them up at night.

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