How did early hominids get sleep when its so hard for people in modern times to sleep.


By ancestors I mean like “cavemen” in a sense. If they had to sleep in caves surrounded by a million different noises, predators, insects, and sleeping on primitive beds – I just cant see them getting any good night rests.

In today’s world sometimes we cant sleep even with great pillows, mattresses, soothing sounds, sleep aid medicine, etc. For some even the tiniest noise or light wakes them up. Thanks for and whatever the reason early hominids must have been pretty hardcore.

In: 723

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s multiple factors of sleep hygiene they had, but many modern humans don’t have:

1. They didn’t have desk jobs. They were much more physically active so they got tired more.
2. They spent a lot of time outside, so they experienced natural sunrise and sunset, which are signals to your body to start preparing for sleep (e.g. releasing sleep-related hormones)
3. They went to sleep whenever they felt like sleeping. They weren’t forced to adjust their sleep time so they can wake up at a particular time to go to work.
4. Less mental stress overall.
5. No artificial light, apart from fire which is rather weak, and gives a warm orange color (similar to a sunset)
6. They had much more time during the day to process their thoughts unlike modern humans who constantly busy themselves with work, TV, social media, etc., making it impossible for your mind to process what needs to be processed, so that starts happen when you lie in bed and interferes with your sleep.

Or maybe they often didn’t even have good sleep.

But if anyone reading this is struggling with their sleep, sort out the above mentioned points in your life and you’re very likely to sleep better.

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