How did early humans learn the benefits of cooking food?


Hard to find a good answer for this. After discovering fire, were early humans just wondering what would happen if they put meat and other foods over the fire? Did they learn that eating uncooked meat can make them sick?

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6 Answers

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Eat raw meat. The fresher the better because when people eat old raw meat they get sick. Or animals come for it if it’s around too long. It gets smelly.

Eat raw meat around fire at night. Meat is a bit cold. We like warm meat. Hold some meat against fire. Fire makes it warm again. Nice.

Hold raw meat against fire too long. Strange taste around the edges. Not bad. Different. Share with others. Others hold meat close to fire. Someone holds it on a stick because hand too hot holding it close.

Leftover meat in the morning. Some was heated before, some was still raw. The heated meat doesn’t smell bad like the raw meat does. And it can be heated again. No smell means less competitors coming. So that’s good. And we can rest for the day. That’s good too.

We all eat fire meat now. Hunt the animal, kill it, cut up the meat far away, leave the bones and guts behind and bring back the meat chunks. Heat up the chunks. Fewer animals attracted. Less sick after. Meat lasts longer when heated. Some of it got heated but dried up so we didn’t eat that the next day.

That dried up meat didn’t get touched for days because we had plenty. But then we didn’t. And someone tried it. Chewy. Tough. But not bad. Need to drink a lot of water with it though. Not as good as hot meat but it means we can not hunt for an extra day or two, so that’s good.

Someone collected a lot of that dried meat. Kept it dry and hidden. Wrapped it in leaves to keep the crawl things off it. Then days started getting colder. Harder to find meat. They brought it out and we ate it for many days. Very good idea. Next year we save even more and perhaps get through the cold days until warm days come back.

They always do.

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