Not only did they lose the two World Wars, they were directly responsible for the evilest person to ever govern in this part of the world. How did they go from losing WW1, economy collapsing, then losing another World War, to then become one of the world’s biggest economies?
Similar question for Japan, although they “only” lost one.
In: Other
A lot of the stuff you need for production (factories, office buildings, raw materials extraction equipment, industrial transportation, etc) was destroyed in the war but a lot wasn’t. And setting that aside it’s not as though the people who were capable of great economic activity prior to and during WW2 suddenly lost their expertise and will to work. All they needed was a decade or so to rebuild and some financial assistance in the form of foreign investment (primarily from America). You’ll want to read about the difference between west and east Germany in the post war period. East Germany did not come roaring back to life in the way west Germany did.
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