How did Great Britain have so much power and influence considering how small it is? How did they manage to colonise the entirety of India so easily?


How did Great Britain have so much power and influence considering how small it is? How did they manage to colonise the entirety of India so easily?

In: 167

26 Answers

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In no particular order:

– The ends justified the means, especially when it came to employing privateers and unsavoury characters.

– An good ability to raise capital to employ cheap local soldiers, no need to transport loads of Brits across the world to fight. Many of the soldiers fighting for Britiah interests were, in fact, Indians.

– A large proportion of the time in India from a British perspective was via the EIC, not the English nation. It was the equivalent of giving a modern-day multinational carte blanche to do what they want (oh wait…)

– An astounding ability to turn local rulers and strongmen against each other.

– A fair bit of good fortune!

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