How did imaginary numbers come into existence? What was the first problem that required use of imaginary number?


How did imaginary numbers come into existence? What was the first problem that required use of imaginary number?

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This is gonna be long like a history lesson but i’ll explain it the best way i was taught.

In 820AD Mohammad bin Musa Al-Khwarismi made the quadratic formula Ax^2 + Bx + C where a b c are numbers and X is a variable and it proceeded to be used until today to describe many things.

This formula was obtained by Simon Stevin in 1594. In 1637 René Descartes published La Géométrie containing the quadratic formula in the form we know today but it’s the same thing just different syntax.

When newton made calculus we learned how to derive differential equations soon after to represent many phenomena like population growth or mechanics.

Eventually we had something happening that was in the of y”+y’+y= N a lot where y is a variable, y’ is the rate of change of that variable otherwise known as derivative, y” is the rate of change of the rate of change or second derivative and N is some number. For example if a car is moving distance Y, the velocity would be Y’ and acceleration would be Y” or if you’re familiar with an object falling if gravity is acceleration Y” = A, velocity would be Y’= V= A*t + V0 with t being time and V0 being initial velocity and vertical motion down is Y= At^2+V0t+ Y0 with Y0 being the initial distance.

Because we established many ways to solve the quadratic equations since it’s over a thousand years old it was easier for mathematics to convert the differential equation y”+y’+y= 0 to m^2 +m+ 1 = 0. We do this by letting Y = e^mx which means Y’= me^mx,Y”= m^2 e^mx and replacing in the original and dividing by e^mx this is called an axillary form.

So now we turned the hard differential into something we can easily solve but there is a catch quadratic solved by delta sometimes gives us K(-1)^1/2
were K is some number but the (-1)^1/2 doesn’t exist so we just called it “i” for an imaginary thing we don’t know much about. The reason this thing pops up is because the quadratic equation solved by the delta formula that’s ( -b + sqrt(b^2 – 4ac) /2a & ( -b – sqrt(b^2 – 4ac) /2a can give an imaginary value if -4ac is larger than b^2.

In math if we can’t identify something we just say it’s wrong like dividing by zero we just say doesn’t exist but for this we call it imaginary. Why? well because we found a solution…

See take a plate being heated and you wanna measure how it’s being heated we found it’s differential equation

AY”+ BY’+ CY = 0

if say A was 1, B was 0 and C was 4 you get Y” + 4Y= 0 , changing to axillary you get m^2 + 4 = 0 and solving the delta you get two values for m or more easily just take 4 to the other side you just get m = -2i, +2i.

So measured the heat transfer and got C1(cos2x) + C2(sin2x) basically +i and – i became cosine and sine and is the fundamental thing we take as mechanical engineers in differential equations because we work on it more in boundary value problem and it gets more complicated with heat transfer and thermodynamics.

To the average person they won’t ever use it but to engineers working with any turbine blades we care about heat on a plate because the turbine blades are curved pointy plates that we want to cover in ceramic to protect it from the heat because it operates at a temperature high enough to damage the blade but by coating it we can have high pressure turbines what we use to generate power from basically every nuclear and fossil fuel power plant. If the blade was coated too much it’s heavier and will turn slower so we get less power and loss of energy so we need to accurately coat it and that’s done by our friend mister imaginary number that not so imaginary after all.

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