How did knights participate in tournaments like jousting without killing themselves?


If movies have not lied to me (😜), knights’ tournaments are involve hacking, slashing, and jousting each other. How did they not kill each other using such weapons or speed on horses? And if it was actually dangerous, why did they participate?

In: 155

18 Answers

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Why, apart from their job was fighting in wars and jousts was good training but it was also a way to make a lot of money! many jousts with big melees or massed fights in teams allowed opponents to be captured and ransomed. Even if that was not allowed there were often valuable prizes and for unknown knights and those without a holding it was a good way to show good you were making it possible to gain a position in great lords household.
So knights went from poor landless knights to in one case the Marshall of England, based mainly on his fame and wealth from jousting.

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