How did knights participate in tournaments like jousting without killing themselves?


If movies have not lied to me (😜), knights’ tournaments are involve hacking, slashing, and jousting each other. How did they not kill each other using such weapons or speed on horses? And if it was actually dangerous, why did they participate?

In: 155

18 Answers

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Professional football players and boxers have a 100% chance of suffering traumatic brain injury during their careers (literally–a study of the brains of deceased football players showed that *all of them* had CTE). They still do it. Money, fame, glory, the belief in young people in their immortality, are probably all contributing factors.

As in modern sports, medieval athletes took steps to protect themselves. The goal wasn’t to kill each other. They wore special armor and used blunted weapons.

Of course, sometimes people died, but people die in modern sports, too. To say nothing of the severe and debilitating brain damage they suffer from repeated concussive injuries.

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