I’ve heard many times that the reason the Silent Hill remaster collection didn’t turn out so well was because Konami lost the original source code and had to re-create it. But I don’t understand how that is possible. If they were selling copies of Silent Hill, why couldn’t they just take a single disk of it and datamine the source code off of it? How could they possess the game without possessing the game’s source code?
In: 1563
Compiling code isn’t like translating into another language and where you can just transl
When people write code, it’s written with a lot of ‘extra’ to have it make sense. If you want to store some information in a variable, the variable is named after what it does so someone reading the code can follow along. There are also a lot of comments explaining things about code and line breaks and indents to visually organize the code.
The computer doesn’t use any of this, so when the code is compiled it’s all removed. If you reverse the process all of that is lost, and the generated code isn’t ‘organized’, the variable names are unrelated to anything, and you have to grind through it to sort it out.
So as an analogy let’s say you have a recipe for making a cake. If you run it through a compiler, the names get dumped. So when you reverse it you just get words and amounts. If you knew you were making a cake, a baker could probably figure it out based on amounts, but a program like silent hill is more like a series of cook books, where every page is a recipe for something, but you don’t know which thing because even that was lost. You can imagine it would take forever to figure all that out.
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