I’ve heard many times that the reason the Silent Hill remaster collection didn’t turn out so well was because Konami lost the original source code and had to re-create it. But I don’t understand how that is possible. If they were selling copies of Silent Hill, why couldn’t they just take a single disk of it and datamine the source code off of it? How could they possess the game without possessing the game’s source code?
In: 1563
Because the source code is not in the retail copy. The retail copies contain machine code that a compiler has produced from the source code. There are decompilers that can create source code from it again but it will not be identical and useful info like variables and other names that make is simpler to read for a human is likely gone. Understanding the decompiled code is a lot harder.
It is a like the source code is a food recipe, and the machine code is the prepared dish you sell to a customer. Someone can figure out how to make that dish from just the food but it will be a lot harder and likely require experimentation. The skill you need is not the same as what you need to cook a dish.
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