How did living things come from non living things


so in the begining there were gases and stuff like hydrogn. overtime cuz of gravity they came together and made new stuff like oxygen. but all these were non living gases so how did things like FUBA or Ameba come from

In: 29

18 Answers

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The building blocks of life are already found out in the world. Nucleic acids, amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids. We know that lipid membranes (what the cell covering is made of) do form spontaneously. We also know that rna can make polymers spontaneously

The special aspect about rna is that it can do a lot of the functions that protein can do, such as be an enzyme. An enzyme is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction

The existence of enzymes is important, because most of the reactions in living things can occur outside them, its just that without enzymes they are too slow to support a living organism

So enzymes of rna (called ribozymes) are able to speed up reactions creating new ‘metabolic pathways’

Eventually a lipid membrane engulfed some rna which had gotten advanced enough to survive inside the lipid membrane, creating the first cell

The exact specifics of all this are unknown as of now. But many precursors to life are found occurring in inorganic environments

And where would this environment be? It would be the hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the ocean. They are like mini volcanoes. They spew out a lot of minerals and other compounds from the earth’s crust making the water become concentrated with important chemicals of life. Otherwise the open ocean is just too dilute for anything to happen. These vents also provide much needed heat for chemical reactions

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