How did living things come from non living things


so in the begining there were gases and stuff like hydrogn. overtime cuz of gravity they came together and made new stuff like oxygen. but all these were non living gases so how did things like FUBA or Ameba come from

In: 29

18 Answers

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The question is not *how did Nature find the right combination of molecules?* but *which is the most basic combination of molecules that Nature found and worked?*

Because molecules are so abundant and change so quickly, literally in fractions of a second, if you have a zillion aminoacids, you are going to have all the proteins you’d need to open DNA, copy it, read it, translate it, close it and copy it again. With a million amino groups, a million carboxylic groups and another million of simple organic molecules, you can have a million amino acids, and with those you can have thousands of proteins, and with those, millions of macro proteins. And in one single bucket of water you don’t have millions of molecules of amino acids, you have quintillions.

We still don’t know which was that first combination of molecules that nature found and worked, but remember: nature had millions of years and billions of chances to get it right just once.

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