How did living things come from non living things


so in the begining there were gases and stuff like hydrogn. overtime cuz of gravity they came together and made new stuff like oxygen. but all these were non living gases so how did things like FUBA or Ameba come from

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18 Answers

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Everything is made of atoms.

Atoms “like” to bond with other atoms in particular ways, in particular circumstances. It’s not too important now to understand why. it’s a bit like the way magnets attract or repel each other.

When a bunch of atoms combine together, we call them “molecules”. And molecules do the same thing atoms do. They attract or repel other molecules or atoms in certain ways in certain circumstances. Big molecules can be made of smaller molecules put together.

This is happening all around you, fast and slow. When we talk about “Chemical reactions” those are often bonds between these tiny things forming or breaking. It doesn’t take life to do this.

At some point there was a molecule that was arranged so that it had a neat trick. It was made like a ladder with each rung made from a pair of molecules that each attracted each other. So when the ladder was split down the middle, each molecule attracted the missing one and you ended up with two copies just the same. And what’s more important, the copies weren’t always perfect. If the molecule got a little bit of damage of something wasn’t available, copies might change a little.

Repeat this copying a bunch of times and you’ll have a lot of these molecules around. Repeat it even more and those tiny mistakes accidentally help the molecule to make more copies, faster. Any change that makes more copies, you get more of it. Little mutations (changes) would cause the molecule to stick more other molecules to itself, to build them from the surrounding available atoms and molecules. Remember, this took a very very very long time.

Some of the stuff it might have stuck around it may have made it less likely to dash against a rock and break. Because it helped it to make more copies, there were more of that. Some of the mutations allowed it to form a lump of molecules that wiggled, moving it crudely through the water. The ones that did that were more likely to run into resources to replicate, so there were more of these. Repeat these mutations enough and you arrive at what we would call a single celled organism, life. The protective cell wall, flagellum, a means of “eating” surrounding matter, these are all just little differences in the self copying strands that help the thing to make more copies.

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