How did living things come from non living things


so in the begining there were gases and stuff like hydrogn. overtime cuz of gravity they came together and made new stuff like oxygen. but all these were non living gases so how did things like FUBA or Ameba come from

In: 29

18 Answers

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So i would like to first clarify some stuff about the origin of various elements.

At the beginning of the universe, yes it was all hydrogen. As stars fuse matter together over their lifetimes, a variety of elements are created up to iron, and in the resulting deaths of stars, elements beyond iron are created and expelled into space.

the molecules that make up organic lifeforms are primarily a mix of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, elements that are found quite commonly out in space, and even found bonded together on their own without life(Tholins are a good example of this).

The origin of life is unclear, but one of the more common theories is that near hydrothermal vents, where there is a lot of minerals, molecules made up of the aforementioned elements, and heat, and the right circumstances created the first sets of primitive DNA or RNA, which naturally wants to self-replicate.

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