First: the whole petroleum industry hasn’t really shifted to the middle east, there are many different sources of oil around the world.
It seems that way because…There happened to be large stores of oil in the middle east discovered by Americans in 1938.,On%20March%203%2C%201938%2C%20an%20American%2Downed%20oil%20well,Middle%20East%2C%20and%20the%20world.
Because of the political and economic situation in the world and in Saudi Arabia (later other middle eastern countries) lended itself to easy exploitation of the resources by a corrupt ruling class creating a region full of the worst economic inequality in the world.,goes%20to%20the%20bottom%2050%25.&text=Extreme%20concentration%20at%20the%20top,earned%20by%20the%20bottom%2050%25.
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