How did people in the past prevent identity theft? I mean before the photos and new secure technology on identity documents were available?


How did people in the past prevent identity theft? I mean before the photos and new secure technology on identity documents were available?

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105 Answers

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You had to be diligent in shredding/burning things and what not. The other thing to keep in mind is all these technologies that came around made it easier to do these sort of crimes. My wife had her identity stolen 16 or so years ago. She reported it to the police but they didn’t really do anything, I guess it was sort of a growing problem at the time so they didn’t have a good way to handle it, anyway she ended up making a bunch of calls and doing a bunch of research and was able to figure out who it was, she then took all that information to the police and at that point they took care of it. She also had to spend hours on the phone to get all the accounts and things closed that were opened in her name, some of those places refused to do anything without proof, typically in the form of a police report. These days you can cancel credit cards and lock accounts at the click of a button. We’ve gotten calls from our credit card company where they saw something strange that didn’t line up with our habits so they flagged it and contacted us.

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