How did people in the past prevent identity theft? I mean before the photos and new secure technology on identity documents were available?


How did people in the past prevent identity theft? I mean before the photos and new secure technology on identity documents were available?

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105 Answers

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Until the 1970’s it was hard to get a credit card, and the credit limits were a lot lower than they are now, so if someone stole your card they couldn’t do as much damage with it as they do now. Major transactions (like for furniture) would be done by check and the store would grill you, and phone the bank to verify your account. If there was any suspicion, you would be declined. It wasn’t like now, where its considered to be a basic right to use your credit card.

Banks were also very picky about who they gave out bank loans to.

And there were no bank cards. You’d do transactions at your local branch, so there was a greater chance the teller would notice something when something is off.

Also, you couldn’t automatically use a credit card if you travelled. If you wanted cash overseas you usually used traveller’s cheques, again with a limit on the amount, plus the clerk checking your signature, passport, etc. If you went to a foreign bank to get cash from your home account, you’d have to go through a grilling and maybe wait 24 hours while they checked.

I’m guessing there was a big boost in fraud in the 1990’s with electronic banking becoming common. Before then, it could happen but the technology wasn’t there to do it easily. Everything moved more slowly so there were more checks on what you could do with your ID.

EDIT: typos

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