How did people live in cold regions of the world before modern housing and heating?


Considering the freezing temps we record annually coupled with tornadoes and other natural phenomena, how did ancient people survive the adverse weather without modern housing, clothing and heating technologies we have today. I’m taking 500+ years ago.

In: 178

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans are surprisingly adaptable as evidenced by the range of habitats we can occupy.

Just because they didn’t have modern housing didn’t mean they had no way of staying warm.

Examples: fire, furs, body heat. You may have brought your livestock in the shelter, everyone generating heat ensures everyone survives.

Then of course you have wood stone and dirt m, enough of it can be pretty good insulation against the elements.

Keep in mind, they weren’t heating a 10,000sqft ranch style house with 16 windows and 14ft ceilings.

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