How did people live in cold regions of the world before modern housing and heating?


Considering the freezing temps we record annually coupled with tornadoes and other natural phenomena, how did ancient people survive the adverse weather without modern housing, clothing and heating technologies we have today. I’m taking 500+ years ago.

In: 178

36 Answers

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500 years ago isn’t considered ancient. Before humans lived in permanent settlements, they were nomadic in nature and moved around the regions with climate and weather changes mind. They also clothed themselves with very thick animal skins… which provide much better insulation than todays cheap made in China threads. There were less people back then so natural disasters weren’t as much of a concern. Also, they didn’t have huge cities with junk laying around everywhere to get thrown around during tornadoes or floods. they also paid close attention and understood weather than the average modern human who barely understands the variables than contribute to day to day weather and long term climate

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