How did people live in cold regions of the world before modern housing and heating?


Considering the freezing temps we record annually coupled with tornadoes and other natural phenomena, how did ancient people survive the adverse weather without modern housing, clothing and heating technologies we have today. I’m taking 500+ years ago.

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36 Answers

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Different methods for different regions with different resources.

Some of the indigenous peoples of the tornado and cold prone parts of the North American prairies built underground homes roofed over at the surface and entered by a long ladder from above, with nothing to easily blow away when the winds came. Fires were often made with dried animal dung or compacted dried sod bricks (packed dead grass and roots with the soil shaken off).

In Siberia and Northern China where there were more trees to burn, or coal available, mass heat stoves were used, a couple tons of surface mortared and sealed brick or stone with many open air channels between the stones inside to circulate the hot air and save it up into the stone itself so a small firebox/cooking burner at the bottom could be kept going constantly on scraps all winter. The single large bed in the house was on top of the widest warmest part and everyone in the house piled in at night together for the heat. This cost as little wood or coal as possible while extracting the maximum heat from the smoke before it left the building. There are some very efficient modern designs in use.

When it comes to personal weather armour, fur, wool and layering both work quite well. Wool can get wet and still retain its insulating qualities but it gets really heavy. A waxed or fat rubbed piece of leather works to repel rain or soggy snow as a coat and boots.

A sheepskin coat oiled on the inner skin side to weather proof it with wool worn facing your body is amazingly warm.

Sheep are everywhere for a reason, you can eat them, milk them and make excellent survival clothing with their wool. All around best survival farm animal to have on hand.

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