How did people live in cold regions of the world before modern housing and heating?


Considering the freezing temps we record annually coupled with tornadoes and other natural phenomena, how did ancient people survive the adverse weather without modern housing, clothing and heating technologies we have today. I’m taking 500+ years ago.

In: 178

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> without modern housing, clothing and heating technologies

Just because their housing, clothing and heating wasn’t modern doesn’t mean it was bad. A wood fire is dirtier than central heating, but it heats just as well. As far as clothing goes, [it’s hard to beat down or fur]( for keeping you warm. Leather’s also considered the gold standard for a lot of clothing, and we’ve been making that for millennia.

> I’m taking 500+ years ago.

People have been building very solid buildings for thousands of years. Two feet of stone or earth also insulates and protects well.

As I understand it, people trying to settle very cold areas were more likely to starve to death than to freeze to death.

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