How did people live in cold regions of the world before modern housing and heating?


Considering the freezing temps we record annually coupled with tornadoes and other natural phenomena, how did ancient people survive the adverse weather without modern housing, clothing and heating technologies we have today. I’m taking 500+ years ago.

In: 178

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

People who had livestock had them living in the house with them, acting as a living radiator.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s about the people living in the ancient north America. If you’re interested I’d definitely recommend this video it’s much more interesting than I personally expected.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I wouldn’t say “just as well” but “well enough” (although some central heating is pretty crappy, so I guess it depends on what you compare to)

Anonymous 0 Comments

I live in an old house w no central AC but just a heating thing. It’s water based heating w a furnace in the basement and fans w steam pipes so blow warm air into the room

Anonymous 0 Comments

>I’m talking 500+ years ago

I feel like you need to google some places that aren’t North America. There are buildings still standing today that are over 5000 years old: []( They are all obviously pretty robust, so you could probably do just fine sheltering in them in a storm with a small fire.

Some younger ones I’d hope you have heard of:

* Tower of London: 1285 AD
* Colosseum of Rome: 80 AD
* Masada, Israel: 37 BC
* Parthenon, Athens: 430 BC
* Great pyramid of Giza: ~2570 BC

If you mean “before buildings” then you’re talking something like 12,000 years ago I think.

Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s not even very long ago, architecturally speaking. Just google something like English houses of the 1500s and you’ll quickly realize that not only do they look more or less like a modern house, but some of them still exist and remain in use.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

There are 50 posts about clothing and some cover shelter. Nobody is remembering food.

A high fat and / or high calorie diet goes a very long way in keeping people warm. Today, people living in the Arctic continue to use whale and seal blubber as an important food source to keep warm.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As so many have said, there have always been ways of keeping warm and fed. However, a lot of people died also.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Take the Inuit for example. The Inuit built igloos. Snow can be a really good insulator so it can get pretty warm in an igloo.