How did people live in cold regions of the world before modern housing and heating?


Considering the freezing temps we record annually coupled with tornadoes and other natural phenomena, how did ancient people survive the adverse weather without modern housing, clothing and heating technologies we have today. I’m taking 500+ years ago.

In: 178

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I suggest you look up Wim ‘the iceman’ Hof. Humans are capable of withstanding far harsher weather conditions than you might expect.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Clothing: down and fur existed then and are probably still unmatched today except for maybe the most exotic materials.

Housing: you build a big stone structure, put a fire in the middle, and heat up the stone. The stone will provide heat for hours or days.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi I live in Texas where it is over 100 Fahrenheit for most of the year and I can totally imagine surviving sub freezing temps without modern technology. The real question is, how the f**k did people live in Texas without A/C ? ! I swear it’s not possible

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you ever been in a proper igloo? They are ridiculously warm.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A long time ago, Arctic explorers from England struggled when wearing the absolute best cold weather clothing available from industry.

One of them tried the traditional clothing offered by their Inuit guides, and found it to be warmer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So. Firstly you have to get out of the whole urbanized thinking methodology. Urbanization was an advent of the industrial revolution.

Most people pre europeans in north america were nomadic. Some groups were not, but most of the plains indegenous people followed the bison herd around.

You can still go to museums and even indegenous history facilities to see how these groups managed.

But even without migration or 20th century housing the Inuit have been living in polar regions for a long time.