how did propellor warplanes shoot their machine guns through the propellor?


how did propellor warplanes shoot their machine guns through the propellor?

In: 2413

17 Answers

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ELI5: Imagine that they took a propeller shaft with two propeller blades. Then they put a bumps on the shaft a 90 degrees to the blades. So imagine you are looking at a clock that is set to 6 0’clock, so that there was a blade at 6 and a blade at twelve. Then you put a bump at 3 O’clock and 9 O’clock. Imagine that the bump pushes the trigger of the gun. So you spin the shaft and the gun’s trigger only fires when the bump touches it, but the bumps are out of the way of the blades because the bump are physically aligned where there are no blades.

So now the gun is timed to fire between the blades.

See here :

For a video of the mechanism


See here for a much more interesting video [](

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